well meaning (but annoying!) things people say!!

Thank you Jane.

‘Like’ :wink:

(…and hope you’re doing ok too chick xx)

xwelcomex - it’s not just the diagnosis is it, it’s what it does to your LIFE as well.
Sounds like you’re having a really hard time of it, horrible.
Sympathetic hug <.> and as to people saying dumb things, eff them :wink:

xwelcomex-sending you some sympathetic vibes-so sorry you’re having a crap time x

I always thought bc was ‘just one of those things’ Never met anyone with it, never seen a bald lady. In fact never seen a cancer patient in my life, and then 5 months ago saw her in the mirror!
It’s a nasty, rotten illness that takes away more than just pride. Treatment is more than just getting your bits out. It goes much deeper than you could imagine and hurts us and our loved ones mentally and physically.

i thought-in my ignorance-that you either got it not too bad(survive) or very bad (died)-i’m ashamed now-i didn’t realize-but i have always been sympathetic and compassionate to anyone diagnosed-but until u have been there you can never know the sheer terror-right up to my going to theatre i kept thinking they might tell me it was a mistake-i’m waiting for radiotherapy-my surgeon said the reason i didn’t need a mx was because i have big breasts-my friend said-it can’t be a bad un or they’d have took the lot ???does that mean it’s a good un ???

There isn’t a ‘good one’
I’m keeping my boob although I had a lot of cancer ie big tumor, axila has cancer, neck too. The boob stays because it’s all in one place and the location is suitable for WLE and my nip will be used to get at it. My boobs won’t look like each other after, but later on I should be happy with them.

Thanks for your support ladeez.

Haven’t posted on here for a while as was hoping it’d all go away but even though tx finished, it hasn’t. Has savaged every area of my life.

Ho hum, onwards and upwards, eh? Much love xx

Welcome just want to send you a big cyber hug as you are going through a really tough time. X x x

Welcome just want to send you a big cyber hug as you are going through a really tough time. X x x

and another one from me xwelcomex…are you getting advice from the MacMillan finance experts?

Another big hug for you, xwelcomex. Nobody who hasn’t gone through this can begin to understand. I’m “lucky” I suppose that I have so many women around me in my family who have and they are being a great support. Although I don’t think it’s lucky that so many of us have had BC. Good advice about Macmillan helping with finances and financial advice from Jane. I was advised to ring local council and ask for a break from council tax, but haven’t needed to yet as I’m still being paid from work. Local CAB very helpful for that sort of thing. Wish I could think of more to help you. Just know that you are not alone, we are all on here and going through the same things.
Lots and lots of love
Rachel xx

A friend of mine who has been trying her best to show interest and concern and means it when she says ‘how are you?’, but has occasionally made a ‘wrong’ remark, came up with a genuinely good question today: ‘Do you feel as well as you look?’ She’s the kind of person who notices when a comment doesn’t go down well and who wants to find the right thing to say.

I must remember that question when it’s my turn to ask someone else.

Sorry to hear what terrible times you’ve gone and are still going through welcome. I spoke to my MIL yesterday (86) who told asked about my treatment. My prognosis is really quite good but not 100% won’t come back. She is under the illusion that BC is easily cured. When I told her that 12,000 women a year are still dying of BC in UK, she put the phone down.

only my second time posting. I’ve had 3 TAX and had first FEC last Wednesday, missed my parents Golden Wedding Do on Saturday but popped out yesterday afternoon as was seriously stir crazy.

Why does everybody keep asking me ‘why I’m still working?’ If I don’t work, I don’t get paid! So I drag myself in when I can. Would much rather be at home resting, rather than in the office listening to the world and his wifes medical problems but can’t afford to.

A ‘friend’ who is a homeopath and very anti traditional meds wanted to treat me. I said i was happy enough to do complementry alongside traditional but not into alternatives only. She completely disagreed with me having surgery and doing chemo. Mid chemo sessions she asked me how I was and I said ‘feeling really sick etc’ her reply ’ well you will pump that shit into your body what do you expect… and the cancer will come back!.
Do I need this in my life NO!!!

Nothing ‘well meaning’ about that Magda. Is she still a friend?

i am sure that alternative medicines have a place alongside traditional methods. My acupuncturist works with the national health and is giving me treatment to help me cope with rads and the side effects of hormone therapy, but to suggest that they can cure serious illnesses like cancer is stretching it a bit.

do you think that if your friend was diagnosed with a large agressive tumor she would rely on her tinctures and not have any conventional treatment?

Well my MIL has really peed me off tonight. A couple of weeks ago when she called I couldnt face speaking to her, as I really wasnt having a good time with it all. She phoned my daughter today asking her why I was ignoring her and that she was upset. I cant face talking to her as she thinks that its all dragging on too long etc!! Welcome to my world eh! For godsake this is not about her, its about me! I am so miffed.

Anyway on a lighter note lol I will share with you what my friends five year old came out with today at the Marsden at the oncology clinic. I was in having my appointment, and my friend was outside amusing her son and reading her magazine. All of a sudden, her son totally out of the blue, said really loudly “I don’t want to die mum, why do I have to die one day!” My poor friend was so embarassed as there were obviously some very sick ladies there, kids eh, dont you just love them!

If one more person says to me " you must be focusing on getting back to work now" I swear I will scream! No it’s not my main focus surprisingly, I’m just wondering whether I’ll have a nice Christmas this year, see my 50th birthday, visit Australia, outlive my dad. Going back to work does not figure highly aaarghh!!

Why is it that so many people think they now have the right to give me diet and health advice??? Friends and in some cases people I hardly know, can’t wait to tell me what they think I should be doing on this score. I know they mean well but it’s so annoying!

I also have a friend who is an alternative/complementary therapist and she was almost desperate for me to have her treat me instead of having chemo. She was gobsmacked when I said that I wanted to go down the conventional route as it had a proven success rate and made several snarky comments on FB about it including big hints that I wouldn’t have nearly died from SEs if I’d been more ‘sensible’ about it!!!

Needless to say, she is off my FB and not on my xmas card list any more.

There is something about cancer that brings out the wacky in people!