What to say and what not to say!!!

Well done CK for completing your last cycle - hope you manage to enjoy Christmas and time with your daughter .

Thank you Jill! Mixed emotions at the moment and some tears of relief and preoaring for surgery.
Hers to a healthy and hsppy festive season to you all.xx

Yes ,here’s to a better year next year !!

Yes, lets get 2017 out of the way and look forward to a better, brighter, healthier and happier New Year for all of us lovely ladies! We most certainly deserve it after what we have been rhrough and still will need to go through???

Hope we are all coping and moving on with treatment ladies. Not had any one liners lately but had one today. Told someone I was grumpy today because have had chemo and a cough and cold. He said ‘I thought you had put on weight!’ Thanks mate!! :0 Honestly!!!

? she certainly wouldn’t !!!

…& heart attacks, strokes & dementia are common, so that’s alright then ?
Sometimes it’s almost too much energy even to respond to prat remarks like that ??
ann x

Exactly! We wouldnt wish it on anyone! There are some idiots!!!

Dorabel. We are all going through similar emotions! Come and rant on here??

Well ladies, finished chemo and had my op to clear lymph nodes and margins yesterday. Was thinking its 6 months since my first op! Phew! Well, can remember chatting to a lady on my first op about my fundraising for ‘Prevent Breast Cancer’ and she replied ‘Well, its not done you any good,has it?’ I gave her the excuse that she was sad with what shes going through but erm the fundraising we do now is for future generations and helping research! We all have gained from previous fundraising in different fields! MacMillan etc!! Honestly!!!

Hiya, can only see ‘elly’ behind a little icon. Cheeky so and so! Not quite a stone but nearly,lol.
Yes, tou are right! Whoever set up this forum is a godsend!xx

Hi Rosie
Im grand. Resting, eating and sleeping and a bit of paperwork. Enjoying a glass of Port again! How are you?x

Port is the answer! Loving it. I had a Porn Sar Martini on Monday night!!! Thanks for that.x

Ive had 8 clundelling sessions and 2 with daughter. Deffo helped me. Hope they help you too.xx

Anyway, no bad one liners lately but since my good resylts Im ready for anyone!!!

Only hiccup was when rhe nurse told me my CT scan was at 15.45om when it eas in rbe morning of op and I sternly told hilm to check. Turns out 15.45 was e tension number for CT dpt!!! Numpty!!!

Hi Delly
Got my results on Tuesday! NO CANCER!!! No more surgery! Clear margins! Chemo did its job! Still rads to do in March??Im grinning like a Cheshire cat???

Great news CK !!!

HOORAY!!! More port!!

CK - CORR WHAT!!! Lets fill up the swimming pool with port - lets swim in it CK!  Oh, hang on a minute, don’t know anyone with a swimming pool - oh all right, the bath then?!! Dip your glasses in girls - I did clean it first. 

Thats abso-bloomin-lute-ly  Fab-U-louuus. Lots more Cheshire cat grins from us on here. Yaahoooo.

:heart: :heart: :heart:  (what d’ya mean too many hearts - I don’t care, I like red! It’s happy, It’s “fiery”) xxxxxx

Hello Lovely Ladies,


Just wanted to share something that happened to me yesterday…


A ex work associate whom I haven’t met or spoken to for more than 10years suddenly contacted me via messenger! Was quite exciting to catch up after all these years.


After exchanging pleasantries, the subject went to my bc…She directly asked me if I removed my breast? and I answered Yes…

Next, her reaction and question is absolutely priceless…She asked…How are you going to entertain your husband with no Breast!!!

Never ever I was asked in that way…had a good laugh!!! Now I gotta figure that out…LOL

Belle xxx

People are priceless Belle. The comment she made has to be laughed at its so ridiculous.
I am new to this and have received numerous cards and text messages from colleagues and friends some of which bewilder me.
All I really want is positive, upbeat and even funny messages but some of them make me so emotional because they seem so downbeat “so sorry for you” “can’t believe this has happened to you”. Maybe people just don’t know what to say and it comes out wrong.
Anyway…if Kylie Minogue can rock some gold hotpants after bc then so can I!
I should be so lucky! xx

Gosh, we have some whoppers here! Vets bills in comparison and BC is very common…so we thought we’d get it:)

Im still in a daze, cant believe it but very happy. Still have rads to go and tablets for 10 years and need to recover from op but everything seems so surreal but worth going through. I keep thinking back to August when I felt that my life had collapsed and now Im on cloud nine! I just wish for good results for all of us ladies. X

Hello Lovely Ladies

I am 4 hours out of WLE surgery and feeling fine.
No nausea No pain just very emotional and pleased the little rascal has been removed.

My OH just asked why I felt the need to post on here so soon and the answer is that you ladies got me through the last few weeks of waiting.
I have a whole new bunch of sisters now.

Good luck to all of us for the next hurdle.
Praying to God to bless us with good results .
Much Love xxx

PS my daughter in law sent me a pic of a pair of gold Kylie hotpants. I swear I will wear some one day! XX

Anita1 How are you my love? x